Home Speakers Sheriff Calvin Woodard

Sheriff Calvin Woodard

by Wilson Rotary

Sheriff Calvin L. Woodard, Jr. served three years as a special agent with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation. He was assigned to the field division, in the Northeastern District, which is composed of twenty-three counties. Prior to his employment with the SBI, Woodard worked at the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office for fifteen years where he worked through the ranks of detention officer, criminal patrol deputy and the last seven years as a criminal detective.

Woodard graduated from Beddingfield High School in 1990. In addition, he attended Wilson Community College, Shaw University, and later Central Michigan University (CMU), where he graduated with a Masters in Public Administration. Woodard was chosen as a prop for Central Michigan’s informational brochure as well as a speaker in a CMU’s public announcement that was shown at area movie theatres.

Woodard is a graduate of the North Carolina Justice Academy’s Criminal Investigative Certificate Program, the Coastal Plains Senior Level Management Institute, and the NC Sheriff’s Association Leadership Institute. Woodard also has received an Advance Law Enforcement Certificate and Advanced Service Award.

Woodard was a Wilson County Board of Health member, past president of the Wilson County Law Enforcement Officers Association, American Deputy Sheriff’s Association member, Wilson Jaycees, Wilson County Sexual Assault Response Team member, and DARE Officer. Woodard also serves on the Wilson County Senior Awareness Day Committee, United Way, Wilson Community College Criminal Justice Technology Program Advisory Committee, Substance Abuse Coalition and the Juvenile Justice and Prevention Board.

Woodard is a certified criminal justice instructor, a specialized law enforcement physical fitness instructor, ALICE Instructor and an U.S. Department of Justice (BJA) State and Local Anti-terrorism Trainer. Woodard is an adjunct instructor at Wilson Community College where he teaches Constitutional Law and serves on the Criminal Justice Technology Advisory Board. He teaches courses to detention officers as well as to beginning and experienced law enforcement officers. In addition, Woodard developed and taught an animal cruelty investigations module to law enforcement officers within North Carolina.

Woodard received such recognition and citations as the North Carolina and Wilson County Jaycees Outstanding Public Servant Award, Breakfast Optimist’s Officer of the Year, Victim’s Rights Week Award, N.C. Mortuary Association Community Service Award, Barton College Criminal Justice Society Lifetime to Law Enforcement Achievement Award, Operation Care Community Servant Award, Manna Bible Institute Alumni Achievement Award, N.C. MLK, Jr. Commission Share the Dream Community Award, St. John AME Zion Church’s 150 Year Anniversary Community Service Award, Most Outstanding Cadet (BLET) Award, Good Conduct Citation, Negotiation Citation,


Volunteer Service Citation, and Unit Citation.

Woodard is a graduate of the 37th SBI Academy and he was the recipient of the SBI Physical Fitness award.

Woodard is a member of St. Luke UAFWB Church, Stantonsburg, NC.

Woodard and his wife, Timberly Cherie’, have two children, Jasmine, 28, and Calvin Xavier, 20 and a grandson, Joshua, 3.

After a successful, grassroots campaign, Woodard was sworn in as Sheriff of Wilson County, on December 6, 2010, were he is currently serving his third term. He has worked to ensure safety for the older adults, children, citizens, and animals of Wilson County by launching successful, criminal operations against drugs, gangs, violence, and animal abuse in Wilson County. Calvin has worked to implement the G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training) Program in the Wilson County Schools. The Wilson County Sheriff’s Office is composed of 166 employees.

The P.A.TH.S. (Positive Alternative Thinking Strategies) Program was also developed by Calvin to focus on educating children, between the ages of 11-13, on drug and gang prevention, having good moral character and the importance of an education. In addition, a Business Alert Program was developed to inform businesses about criminal trends affecting Wilson and surrounding counties.

Because of Woodard’s proactive campaign against illegal narcotics, he was awarded the Wilson Families in Action 2012 Enrique Camarena Award. The award was in honor of a DEA Agent Enrique Camarena. Agent Camarena was tortured and killed due to his efforts of preventing drug smuggling cartels from distributing illegal narcotics within the United States.

In latter part of 2016, Woodard was co-chair of North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s, Department of Public Safety Transition Team. Woodard sat on the panel to interview applicants vying for the next Secretary of Public Safety as well as assisted with the NC Division of Community Correction sub-committee. These committees looked into the standardized and financial operations of the NCDPS as well as recommendations of improvements and oversight for the Governor’s Office.


2/1993 – 5/1995, Detention Officer, Wilson County Sheriff’s Office

100 E. Green Street Wilson, NC 27896-1666

Provide guidance and security for inmates serving time or awaiting trial. Provide medication prescribe by physicians to the inmates. Maintain a safe environment within the center. Perform routine checks of inmates. Conduct safety checks within the cellblocks and recommend discipline of violent inmates. Supervise staff when the immediate supervisor is not present.

5/1995 – 6/2000, Deputy Sheriff- Criminal Patrol, Wilson County Sheriff’s Office

100 E. Green Street Wilson, NC 27893


Serve warrants, subpoenas, and orders issued by the judicial system. Perform interdiction stops for violations of the NC Traffic Code and Controlled Substance Act. Write reports on incidents concerning minor misdemeanors, robbery, rapes, murder, and property crimes. Investigate violations of the NC Criminal Code. Teach DARE within the local schools. Obtain witness statements on incidents and testify in court when necessary. Prepare reports for the NC District Attorney’s Office for review and obtain search warrants based on sworn testimony. Serve as member of the WCSO Emergency Response Team (SWAT).

7/2002 – 7/2003, President, Wilson County Law Enforcement Officers’ Association

Direct a diverse group of law enforcement officers in community service activities. Assist and develop fundraisers (LEO Golf Tournament) to finance an annual Shop with a Cop Campaign. The campaign was to include 50 children with spending of $100.00 each. Enhanced membership, developed awareness of the LEOA activities in the community, initiated a fan drive for the elderly, printed events in the local newspaper, and developed a logo- allowed the Association more visibility in the community.

7/1/2004 – 6/2008, Board Member, Wilson County Department of Public Health

1801 Glendale Drive Wilson, NC 27893

Assist with the review and development of policy for the local board of health. Accept changes or amendments in policy by vote. Be present at meetings to receive information on the Wilson County Department of Health’s duties, programs, fee adjustments, and budget. Assist with review of the budget and serve on committees to assist the chairperson of the board.

6/2000 – 1/2008, Detective- Criminal Division Wilson County Sheriff’s Office

100 E. Green Street Wilson, NC 27893

Investigate felony cases of the NC Criminal Code. Interview and interrogate suspects, witnesses, and victims. Supervise crime scenes during major cases. Write/design court orders and search warrants for telephone records, medical records, internet subscriber information and perform analysis of the case. Collect evidence, and process crime scenes. Write reports to be presented to the N.C. District Attorney’s Office Seventh Judicial District. Conduct investigations into administrative incidents and arson cases. Investigate white-collar crimes, animal cruelty, cybercrimes, computer crimes, robbery, rape, murder, and property crimes. Assist in interviews on new applicants. Provide in-service training to officer on ethics, stress and wellness, physical fitness, drug investigations, and civil process.

1/2008 – 12/2010, Special Agent- NC State Bureau of Investigation

North Carolina Department of Justice- Northeastern District, Greenville, NC

Assists local law enforcement with a wide variety of investigations, including homicides, missing person cases, drugs, embezzlement, election laws, public corruption, law enforcement officers excessive force case, police shootings, robberies, theft and misuse of state property and property crimes. Prepare investigative reports, collect evidence, and perform background investigations for appointed positions within the State Government of North Carolina and SBI applicants.


MS, Central Michigan University, Administration- Public Administration, 2007

BA, Shaw University, Criminal Justice- Behavioral Science, 1997

AAS, Wilson Technical College, Criminal Justice- Law Enforcement, 1993

Specialized Training:

Criminal Justice Instructor (Criminal Justice Standards and Sheriff Training and Standards), Law Enforcement Physical Fitness Instructor, Wellness and Stress Instructor, U.S. Department of Justice (BJA) State and Local Anti-terrorism Trainer, Certified Homeland Protection Professional (NSA Institute for


Homeland Security-Global Center for Public Safety), ALICE Instructor, PPCT Ground Avoidance Ground Escape (GAGE) Instructor, PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor, Emergency Preparedness Instructor and Emergency Response Team Member (ERT).

NC Sheriff’s Association Leadership Institute

NC Department of Justice Advance Law Enforcement Certificate

NC Department of Justice Service Award

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Command College

FBI-Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (LEEDA) Command Institute

FBI-LEEDA Supervisor Leadership Institute

FBI-LEEDA Executive Leadership Institute

NC Department of Justice Intermediate Law Enforcement Certificate

NC Justice Academy Criminal Investigative Certificate Program

Coastal Plains Law Enforcement Senior Level Management Program

North Carolina Justice Academy Police Law Institute

37th NC State Bureau of Investigation Academy

UNC School of Government Municipal and County Administration

North Carolina/South Carolina Counterterrorism Conference

Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy Intelligence Commanders Program

West Point Leadership Program, MUCEJA

ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate) Institute

Advance Training and Experience:

Interrogation Law Review

Criminal Intelligence Analysis

Ethics Instructor Update

Wellness and Stress Instructor Update

Detecting Illegal Dog Fighting and Assoc. Crimes

Footwear and Tire Tread Impressions

Youth Gang Awareness for Patrol Officers

Date Rape Drugs

Suicide Investigation

Investigative Discourse Analysis

Child Death Investigation

Fundamental of the Investigative Process

Interviewing the Child Sexual Offender

Interview and Interrogation

Advance Interview and Interrogation Techniques

Death Investigation

School Shooters and Online Child Safety

Interviewing Child Sexual Offenders

Criminal Interdiction Operation Pipeline

School Based Policing/Confidentiality

Domestic Violence

Laws of Arrest, Search, and Seizure

Arson Origin and Cause Determination

Arson Collection and Preservation of Evidence

Arson Basic Electricity for Fire Investigations

Arson Motor Vehicle Fire Investigation

ATF (Alcohol/Tobacco and Firearms) Post Blast Investigations

Records Management

Criminal Investigative Techniques

Preventing Sexual Harassment

Advance Report Writing and Review for Supervisors

MagneTek: A Case Study in the Daubert Challenge


Weapons of Mass Destruction First Responder

Incident Command for Single Resources and Initial Incidents

Introduction to the Incident Command System

Juvenile Minority Sensitivity Training

Ground Avoidance Ground Escape Training

Drug Enforcement for Patrol Officers

Basic Crime Scene Investigations

Basic S.W.A.T.

Investigating Crimes Against Children

Crime Analysis

Courtroom Security Issues

First Line Supervision

Juvenile Gang Awareness

Methamphetamine Awareness

Civil Liability for Supervisors

Child Exploitation: Interview and Investigation

Leadership Problems in Law Enforcement Agencies

Cyber Crime Investigations

Information Warfare

First Responder Training

Criminal Interdiction- Conducting Complete Traffic Stops

Computer Crimes Investigation

Defensive and Precision Driving Training

Air Medical Safety for Emergency Response Teams

Reid Method of Criminal Interviews and Interrogation

Technology and the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

SART Dealing with the Media

SART Sex Crimes Clearinghouse

SART Victims with Disabilities

Advance Law Enforcement Technologies: Investigating Internet Crimes

Child Passenger Safety Technician

Animal Cruelty Investigation Seminar

Illegal Animal Fighting Investigation Training Course

Mobile Data Terminals

Public Speaking

Protecting Children Online

K-9 Legal Issues

NC Jail Administration Association Principles, Priorities, and Performance

Criminal intelligence Sharing: Protecting Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties

Aquatic Death and Homicidal Investigation

Pursuit Policy

Officer Safety- Dog Bite Prevention

Providing Sensitive Death Notifications w/ Professionalism, Dignity, and Compassion

Introduction to Public Employment Law

Human Resources and the Law

Crisis Intervention Team

PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Investigation Protocol

PREA Managing Inmates at Risk of Sexual Abuse

PREA Sexual Abuse Dynamics, Detection and Reporting

PREA What It Means to You and Your Agency

PREA Preventing and Responding to Corrections-Based Sexual Abuse

Enhancing School Safety Using Threat Assessment Model- USSS

COVID-19 for Law Enforcement

National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Training

Criminal Operations:


Operation Falcon, Operation Street Sweep, Operation H.O.P.E. (Helping Our citizens live Peacefully Every day), Operation Double Strike, Operation Thin Ice, Operation Forgotten Lantern, Operation E.O.G. (Education Over Guns), Operation T.A.G. (To prevent Accidents from causing Grief), Operation Broken Chain, Operation Project Nightmare, Operation Triple H (Heroin Has no place Here), Operation Battle Star, Operation Draw Bridge, Operation Locomotive, Operation Avalanche and Project R.I.D.E. (Realistic Impaired Driving Education).


Implemented G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training) Program in Middle Schools that is taught by certified deputy sheriffs.

Conducted major criminal operations aimed at drug issues, violence, guns, animal cruelty, sex offenders, traffic safety, alcohol violations and protecting our children in schools.

Worked closely with local, state, federal, private organizations, and U.S. Humane Society on criminal investigation/prosecutions, locating sex offenders, drug investigations and intelligence information sharing.

Reformed S.A.L.T. (seniors and Law Enforcement Together) Council through constructive input and involvement.

Implement a “no-cost” Spay or Neuter Program for citizens with limited income.

Increased county revenue over $220,000 yearly through the State Misdemeanant Confinement Program.

Through restructuring the divisions, tripled criminal patrols throughout all of Wilson County.

Provide Drug, Violence Prevention and Gang Familiarization Summits biannually for local faith-based leaders.

Increased adoption opportunities for animals by personally implemented the time animals stay at the shelter from 3 to 5 days.

Developed a plan to open the Animal Shelter on the first Saturday of each month.

Reconstructed a position for a detective assigned to animal cruelty.

Increased training for deputies on dealing with mental health and detectives who specialize on gangs, drugs, fraud, computer crimes, arson, firearms, illegal alcohol sales and sexual assaults.

Implemented (30) day victim notification before the expiration of domestic violence protection orders.

Obtained a certified Victim Advocate to assist victims of criminal violence.

Lowered medical costs of inmates incarcerated through house arrest technology and reviewed medical bills for duplicating of medical services- less burden on taxpayers.

Conservative with the taxpayer’s dollars by presenting a budget that is not above what is requested from the commissioners and seeking grants.

Implemented the Business Alert Program aimed at security checks and notifications for agricultural and industrial business as well as faith-based facilities.

Implemented a 24-hour Prescription Medication drop box for the citizens unused prescription medicine.

Constructed the P.A.TH.S. (Positive Alternative Thinking Strategies) Program and P.A.TH.S. Youth Leadership Summer Camp aimed at instructing youths (11-13) on being positive role models, the importance of education, bully prevention and the dangers of gangs, drugs and violence.

Lowered crime rate through increasing patrol staff and yearly operations targeting drugs, gangs, and violence.

Provided extensive training to deputies, detention staff and animal enforcement, with a specialization for detectives trained in Fire Investigations, Computer Crimes, White-Collar Crimes, Child and Adult Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking and ABC Investigations.

Developed first WCSO K-9 Division with (4) highly trained patrol canines and a bomb detection K-9

Provided extensive leadership training to WCSO personnel as well as Procedural Justice training to develop a positive relationship with law enforcement and the community in which it serves as well as the prevention of excessive use of force incidents.


Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training for all deputies and detention officers when dealing with people exhibiting mental health issues thus preventing negative consequences.

Initiated a low-cost Pet Microchip Program for citizens to encourage pet adoptions and to ensure that a lost pet can be returned safely to its’ home.

Obtained a position for a PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Coordinator for the Wilson County Detention Center. This position is to educated inmates and personnel on safety measures to prevent sexual abuse in a confinement setting thus allowing (through prevention) the inmate a successful transition into the community.

Promoted an AA Support group for female and male inmates incarcerated within the Wilson County Detention Center.

Trained Recovery coaches for Narcotic Division and Detention Center to assist with resources for those incarcerated and/or victims to opioid drug use.

Partnered with educational stakeholders and non-profits to assist with defendants returning to the community with possibilities of job placement and/or educational abilities to prevent recidivism.

Created Sheriff’s Traffic Accident Reduction (S.T.A.R.) Unit aimed at preventing careless/reckless and traffic related deaths on Wilson County roadways.

Sought and utilized federal and state grants to enhance mobile and areal technology/equipment to assist with civilian safety in the event of an emergency or crisis.

Obtained the National CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) accreditation. CALEA embodies the precepts of community-oriented policing, leadership, accountability, and integrity as well as community expectations.

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