Theresa Mathis has been amember of the City of Wilson’s Human Relations Office for the last 18 years.Prior to coming to Wilson, she served in the field of higher education atNational Business College, Virginia Tech and Radford University. She worked in StudentAffairs, Student Activities and Admissions. Giving her a unique background inevent planning with a purpose. Her main role now is serving as the Advisor ofthe Wilson Youth Council. In addition, she serves as the event planner for theoffice helping implement a dozen programs per year. In her spare time, she isthe Director of the NC Whirligig Festival – the largest event in Wilson. She expands her event work by supporting many other Wilson festivals withadvice and logistical support such as Juneteenth, Wilson Pride and the HispanicSummer Festival. She is a graduate of Virginia Tech and a proud member of theHokie Nation.
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