Home Speakers Chief Albert Alston Jr.

Chief Albert Alston Jr.

Wilson Fire / Rescue Services

by Wilson Rotary

Chief Albert Alston began his career as a firefighter in 1999 withWF/RS. He rose through the ranks as Firefighter, Engineer, Captain, BattalionChief, and as Deputy Fire Chief before being appointed Chief of Department inOctober 2017. Chief Alston leads a department that has been re-accredited bythe Commission on Fire Accreditation International, (an accomplishment thatonly 300 departments worldwide have achieved) and has a Public ProtectionClassification (PPC) rating of 1. This equates to an Insurance Services Offices(ISO) rating of Class I.

Chief Alston is a Wilson native and holds a Masters ofArts in Organizational Leadership and a Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Science witha concentrate in Management from Fayetteville State University. Chief Alstonhas graduated from the prestigious National Fire Academy’s Executive FireOffice Program (EFOP). He has achieved his Chief Fire Officer Designation fromthe Center for Public Safety Excellence Commission of ProfessionalCredentialing and has achieved a member (MIFireE) grade from the Institute ofFire Engineers.

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