Senior ResidentSuperior Court Judge — Superior Court Judicial District 8B & 8C Wilson andEdgecombe Counties, State of North Carolina
Judge Wiggins is currently the Senior Resident Superior CourtJudge for Judicial District 8B and 8C which encompasses portions of both WilsonCounty and Edgecombe County, North Carolina. He was initially appointed to theposition by Governor Roy A. Cooper on March 29,
2018 and was subsequently elected and sworn to a full-termbeginning January 1, 2019. As a Senior Resident Superior Court Judge, JudgeWiggins has presided over numerous complex civil and criminal matters in 40+counties throughout the State of North Carolina. Further, he has adminisfrativeand other staffing responsibilities for a Superior Court Judicial District thatencompasses two contiguous NC counties that have a diverse demographicpopulation in excess 140,000+/- individuals. He is a graduate of North CarolinaState University where he obtained a BA degree in Political Science.Afterwards, he went on to earn a Juris Doctor degree from the North CarolinaCentral University School of Law.
Prior to serving on the Bench, Judge Wiggins was engaged inthe General Practice of Law that included such disciplines as criminal andcivil trial advocacy, residential and commercial real estate transactions,estate administration and municipal law. As a trial lawyer, Judge Wiggins tried100 +/- cases to jury verdict. He has been duly licensed as a legalpractitioner in the State of Nonh Carolina for 30 years.
Judge Wiggins has a lengthy record of public service. He wasa Member of the Rocky Mount City Council from December, 1997 to April, 2018 andupon ascending to service on the Bench, had Oventy years of continuous publicservice to the citizens of the City of Rocky Mount. During his service as aCity Council member, he has served as Mayor Pro Tem on four separate occasions.Additionally, he also served as Chair of the Twin County TransportationCouncil; Former Member – Eastern North Carolina Metropolitan TransportationPlanning Consortium and as a former member of the North Carolina League ofMunicipalities Board of Directors, where he served as Chair or Chair ofmultiple Committees. Additionally, Judge Wiggins has also serves or has servedthe community in the following capacities and affiliations; Former Member -Carolinas Gateway Partnership Board of Directors; Member – Alpha Omicron
Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fratemity, Inc.,; Former Member —NC Wesleyan College Board of
Trustees; Former Executive Board Member – East CarolinaCouncil Boy Scouts of America (Whitney Young Award Recipient); BoardMember/Vice Chair – The Wright’s Center Adult Day Health Activity Center;Fonner Member – Fountain Correctional Center Community Resource and as a FormerMember – City of Rocky Mount Redevelopment Commission.
Judge Wiggins is a Rocky Mount, NC native and an Eagle ScoutAwardee. His wife, Robin, is a career public educator. His father, LeonardWiggins, is the current chair of the Edgecombe County, NC Board ofCommissioners. His mother, Selma Wiggins, is a retired career educator.