Stephen Mann is the Director of Communications for WilsonCounty Government. In this role, he is responsible for all internal andexternal communications across all media platforms. Stephen oversees WilsonCounty’s branding, strategies and public relations efforts across alldepartments and serves as the County spokesperson to the media. Hisresponsibilities also include drafting press releases, producing weekly videos,managing all online content for the county’s public website and intranet,graphic design and creating content for multiple social media channels.
With over 15 years of combined experience in PublicRelations and Marketing, Stephen has worked in both the public and privatesector. He is also an FAA licensed Commercial Drone Pilot and flies theCounty’s drone for marketing purposes.
Prior to coming on board with Wilson County, Stephen servedas the Social Media & PR Manager at North Carolina Wesleyan University inRocky Mount and in various communications roles at the North CarolinaDepartment of Transportation and North Carolina Department of State Treasurer. Duringhis time at the Department of State Treasurer, he was instrumental in launchingthe Department’s social media presence from the ground up. He has spoken atseveral state and national conferences on the importance of social media formarketing and advertising.
Stephen holds a B.A. in Communications from NC StateUniversity. He and his wife of 11 years have two young daughters.