Home Speakers Brooke Bissette

Brooke Bissette

Imagination Station

by Wilson Rotary

Who we are

The Imagination Station Science & History Museum provides informal science and history education. We create opportunities for people of all ages to learn how the world around us works. Understanding our past helps us understand our present, and discovering scientific methods helps us understand how science affects our daily lives.

We give people of all ages a chance to explore and wonder about the world through interactive exhibits. We produce engaging programs for students that introduce and reinforce classroom topics both at the museum and in your classroom through our outreach program, SHOW (Science and History On Wheels). We also reach out to the community by hosting free events throughout the year that encourage families and individuals to experience something new. Experience is how we learn.

Our Mission

The Imagination Station Science & History Museum exists to serve as a major educational resource for eastern North Carolina families, school systems, educators, and students. Our mission is enriching the future by fostering connections between science, history, and community through exciting educational experiences.

How we got started

The Imagination Station was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1988 for the purpose of building a science center. A three year community-wide effort raised funds and found a large, vacant historic building for the project. February 15, 1992 the former U.S. Post Office and Federal Court House opened its doors as an interactive science museum for children.

The Imagination Station has gone through ups and downs including a devastating fire and near bankruptcy. With each hardship and support from the community, the museum evolved and is still encouraging wonder. With rebranding and adding a history exhibition space in 2009, the museum attracts a wider audience and includes content for people of all ages.

Brooke Bissette Bio

Brooke Bissette Farmer is a Wilson native and graduate of East Carolina University. Her studies include business administration, interior architecture, and historic preservation. After several years as a real estate broker in Wilmington, NC, Brooke came home to be a part of the growth and redevelopment in Wilson. She jumped at the opportunity to work with one of Wilson’s architectural treasures which is now home to Imagination Station. With two parents in education, Brooke grew up understanding the importance of learning in and out of the classroom. When she’s not building bridges between our schools, youth, and businesses, Brooke is playing with her two dogs, traveling with her husband, and honing her artistic skills.

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